
Version 2.2


January 18, 2023
  1. New Features
    1. New Password Security Requirements
      1. Accounts on and on the front end will enforce stricter password requirements in an effort of tightening customer and user security.It is to be expected that new password requirements will not apply to existing users and customers. They will only be prompted to meet the requirements once they reset or update their passwords.
      2. Users and front-end customers will have to adhere to the following password requirements*:
        1. At least three of the following:
          1. one uppercase letter
          2. one lowercase letter
          3. one number
          4. one special character: !@#$%^&*
        2. Cannot include your name
        3. Cannot be a common password*The minimum number of characters can be configured upon request, but should not be set to fewer than 6 characters.
    2. SendGrid x MealTrack Integration
      1. MealTrack’s latest integration with the Email Service provider SendGrid provides companies with an overall improved email experience. The new integration will allow company users to see the sent statuses of email communication sent to their customers*.
        The list of possible statuses a company user may see are: Opened, Delivered, Bounced, Deferred, Dropped, and Processed
By navigating to a customer’s profile and selecting the Communications tab, a user will be able to come across a dialog like this one. Sent statuses will only be visible once companies have migrated to SendGrid.

*The migration from ElasticEmail to SendGrid will require companies to provide MealTrack with DNS information. Companies should expect to be hearing soon from a Customer Success Rep for more information regarding this feature.

  1. Login PageThe new and improved login page!
Users may continue to sign in with their existing login credentials. Functionality throughout the site continues to operate the same way it previously did and users should not see a difference in performance.

2. Sidebar Navigation Menu

The sidebar navigation menu has been updated to display all of the pages on in a more organized view

3. The Dashboard page

The restyled Dashboard page now displays quick links as buttons with icons that can be utilized for an efficient reference to navigate to the frequently visited pages throughout

4. Other Mentionable Revamped Pages

Throughout the rest of, elements like tables, buttons, text fonts, and colors have been updated to showcase a sense of styling consistency. Below are only a few pages that showcase the revamped styling

  • Upcoming and Recent Orders now display on the Orders Page

Upcoming weeks will now display on the Orders page in Customer Accounts. This will allow customers to start selecting meals for upcoming weeks before their subscriptions renew* (Customers will only be able to select their meals for upcoming weeks when a menu has been set for those weeks).

*The number of upcoming weeks visible can be configured upon request. Companies should expect to be hearing soon from a Customer Success Rep for more information regarding this feature.

  • Order Requirements are now Applicable on Subscription Update Flows

Order Requirements configured on an ordering flow level will also be applicable when customers edit their subscriptions in their Customer Accounts.

  • Improvements to Payment Screens on Mobile Devices
  • Payment screens on mobile views are now larger, making them easier for customers to use on the front end when checking out.
  • Minor Styling Updates on Ordering and My Meals
  • Improved alignment of text and pictures have been applied to Recipe & Product Cards on Ordering and My Meals pages.