Ability to scroll in recipe card for nutritional label image
Delivery Zones: The ability to define delivery patterns differently based on geography
Program Based Location & Sequencing: The ability to configure the sequence of how locations are displayed and to be based on a specific program.
Email Customization: The ability to send customized emails for customers that have not placed an upcoming order and customers who have not selected meals for their current orders. This is helpful for when customers forget to choose their meals or place an order!
Kitchen Management System Updates
Process Recipe Improvements: There have been improvements made to the processing recipes function that you can opt-in to!
Favorite Recipes: The ability to favorite a customer’s recipe and allow it to default to their assigned meals if available.
What to look forward to in the rest of 2021:
Re-vamp of the My Account
User Ability to Resume Abandoned Carts
Improvements and Additions to Email Communications
Ability to Configure Customer Restrictions for My Meals